Private collection, Title: One More Behind, 2015

Sold, Title: Alt På En Stang, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Aggelos, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: On The Road, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Anti, 2015

Private collection, Title: Atronaut, 2015

Sold, Title: At Lette Ben, 2015

Private collection, Title: At Slange Sig, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Back And Forward, 2015

Private collection, Title: Safety, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Meet Up, 2015

Private collection, Title: Sheriff, 2015

Sold,, Title: Cowboy Ninja, 2015

Sold,, Title: Hovedløs, 2015

Sold, Title: Duck- Snake, 2015

Private collection, Title: Alian(ce), 2015

Sold, Title: Stick And Run, 2015

Private collection, Title: Hønse Snop, 2015

Sold, Title: Forvirret, 2015

Sold, Title: Not So Interesting, 2015

Sold, Title: Langtidsholdbar, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Shapes Of Music Notes, 2015

Private collection, Title: Resting, 2015

Sold, Title: Much Fun, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Catch Me Up, 2015

Sold,, Title: Stille Snue, 2015

Title: Bimse, 2015

Private collection, Title: Human Space, 2015

Sold,Title: Pirat Frindly, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Doctors Nurse, 2015

Sold,, Title: En Frækkert, 2015

Sold, Title: En Gavtyv, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Hellas, 2015

Privat collection, Title: En Verdens Kærne, 2015

Sold,, Title: Body Shape, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Fun Member, 2015

Sold, Title: Helt Normal, 2015

Private collection, Title: Heroic Gost, 2015

Private collection, Title: Human Pet, 2015

Private collection, Title: It`s Better Today, 2015

Private collection, Title: Loufa, 2015

Sold, Title: Loufas Father, 2015

Galleri valeur, Title: Loufa`s Mother, 2015

Privat collection, Title: Mask, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Hunt, 2015

Sold, Title: Ormeskud, 2015

Sold, Title: Parrot Control, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Parrot And Owner, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Poor But Full, 2015

Private collection, Title: Protection, 2015

Sold, Title: Someone Is Coming, 2015

Sold, Title: Parrot SOS, 2015

Sold, Title: Stand Still, 2015

Private collection, Title: Særdeles Fint, 2015

Private collection, Title: Loufa Teen, 2015

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: 2 Sider Af Samme Sag, 2015

Private collection, Title: Totalt Forbudt, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Tribe Member, 2015

Sold, Title: On Reach, 2014

Sold, Title: Duo Por Favor, 2014

Private collection, Title: Upside Down, 2013

Sold, Title: Helona, 2013

Special assigment, Title: Collect, 2013

Sold, Title: En Spids, 2013

Sold, Title: Twin, 2013

Sold, Title: Albino, 2013

Special assigment, Title: To Cunquer Fear, 2013

Private collection, Title: The Phantom, 2012

Sold, Title: A Spooky Affair, 2012

Sold, Title: The Goof, 2012

Special assigment, Title: No Title, 2012

Sold, Title: At Være Gaflet, 2012

Private collection, Title: Musse, 2012

Sold, Title: The Flying Heroes, 2010

Sold, Title: The One And Only, 2010

Sold, Title: Finurelighedder, 2010

Sold, Title: Et Selskabsdyr, 2010

Special assigment, Title: House Dagger, 2010

Private collection, Title: The Family Affair, 2010

Private collection, Title: Et Stoleben, 2010

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Farmor, 2010

Sold, Title: Et Skohorn, 2010

Sold, Title: Morfar, 2010

Sold, Title: Red District, 2010

Sold, Title: Fire På Stribe, 2010

Sold, Titel: At vokse Sig Stor, 2009

Private collection, Title: Blandninger Gør Godt, 2009

Sold, Title: Livets Abstrakte Gang I Farve, 2009

The Valeur-prize, Title: Holding You Tight, 2009

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Terningens Valg, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Friends, 2009

Private collection, Title: Family Members, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Lige At Nå, 2009

Sold, Title: Det Gule Blinklys, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Terningens Valg (lille)

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Livets Abstrakte Gang
I gul, 2009

Sold, Title: Et Havneskib, 2009

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Et Stamtræ, 2009

Sold, Title: Telephone, 2009

Private collection, Title: Flying North, 2009

Sold, Title: Den Trojanske Hest, 2009

Sold, Title: Friendly, 2009

Sold, Title: Little Man Understand, 2009

Private collection, Title: The Ghost Dreamer, 2009

Sold, Title: Med Bid I, 2009

Sold, Title: Flying, 2009

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Fra Rod Til Top, 2009

Sold, Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Mekanica, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Dyr I Længden, 2009

Private collection, Title: Frit Valg, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Pantalies, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Et Ormehul, 2009

Sold, Title: Fashionable 1, 2009

Sold, Title: Fashionable 2, 2009

Private collection, Title: Robotic Tic Tac, 2009

Sold, Title: En Åle-slank Natur, 2009

The Valeur-price, Title: Våbenskjoldet, 2009

Sold, Title: En Gaflet Tid, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Den Blå Time, 2009

Sold, Title: Animalistic Black And White, 2009

Sold, Title: En Lysbetjent, 2009

Sold, Title: Fiskerøjet, 2009

Sold, Title: Fint Og Gammelt, 2009

Sold, Title: One Simple Hero, 2009

Private collection, Title: En Lys Ide, 2009

Sold, Title: At Være Kongelig, 2009

Private collection, Title: Litle Ghost Of Honour, 2009

Sold, Title: Alliance, 2009

Private collection, Title: Madame,2009

Sold, Title: På Krigsstien, 2009

Sold, Title: Mons- strine, 2009

Sold, Title: Holdbar Vægst, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Smertefrit, 2009

Sold, Title: Full, 2009

Private collection, Title: En Specialitet, 2009

Sold, Title: En Triumf, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Brother Life, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Vækst, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Vi Taler Du Spiller, 2009

Sold, Title: På Slæb Med Mor, 2009

Sold, Title: Generation Til Generation, 2009

Sold, Title: Vel- mødt, 2009

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Featherhood, 2009

Sold, Title: Elefantdrine, 2009

Sold, Title: Connecteble, 2009

Sold, Title: Evigheds Diskussioner, 2009

Sold, Title: Three Step, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Opdagelser, 2009

Sold, Title: Et Blødt Slag, 2009

Private collection, Title: Husspektakel, 2009

Sold, Title: Verdensrejsende, 2009

Special assigment, Title: En Kubistisk Tagfat, 2009

Sold, Title: Super Heltens Spade, 2009

Sold, Title: Et Næbdyr, 2009

Sold, Title: Discussion Available, 2009

Private collection, Title: Just A Little Special, 2009

Sold, Title: Farmand, 2009

Private collection, Title: En Hottentot, 2009

Sold, Title: En Slikkepind, 2009

Sold, Title: Ballongyngerne (lille), 2009

Private collection, Title: Et Fortids Egern, 2009

Sold, Title: Clown Fish, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Plaster På Såret, 2009

Sold, Title: Modela, 2009

Private collection, Title: Banditos, 2009

Sold, Title: A Thiefs Tryal, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Hjuleri, 2009

Sold, Titel: Gode Minder, 2009

Sold, Title: Ballade, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Geisha, 2009

Sold, Title: Det Er Kanon, 2009

Sold, Title: Endeligt, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Bone, 2009

Special assigment, Title: A Geisha Servant, 2009

Special assigment, Title: En Kongelig Gris, 2009

Special assigment, Title: En Ven, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Twins In Twilight, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Gymnasten, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Snoof, 2009

Sold, Title: Ballongyngerne, 2009

Sold, Title: Æggesnaps, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Welcome To The Family, 2009

Galleri Valeur- DK, Title: Hus- nissen, 2009

Private collection, Title: Guns Have A Limit, 2009

Private collection, Title: Fish Trip, 2009

Private collection, Title: Safe Dagger, 2009

Sold, Title: Tivoli, 2009

Sold, Title: Last Smoke, 2009

Sold, Title: Treenighed, 2009

Private collection, Title: Little You, 2009

Private collection, Title: Acting For Life, 2009

Private collection, Title: Oganismus, 2009

Private collection, Title: Lille Fod, 2009

Sold,Title: Blandet Slik, 2009

Private collection, Title: Birdy On Rollerskates, 2009

Sold, Title: Ready To Dance, 2009

Private collection, Title: Pinde Pip, 2009

Sold, Title: Abstackt Acrobat, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Conecting Colors, 2009

Private collection, Title: Et Cirkus Liv, 2009

Sold,Title: Hr. Knippel, 2009

Sold, Title: Fru. Knippel, 2009

Sold, Title: Fodfæste, 2009

Sold, Title: Mr. Stormtropper, 2009

Sold, Title: Debate, 2009

Special assigment, Title: For Sjov (far), 2009

Special assigment, Title: For Sjov (barn), 2009

Private collection, Title: Motorhjelm, 2009

Sold, Title: To I En, 2009

Special assigment, Title: To Sides, 2009

Sold, Title: Catching An Idea, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Lille Bite, 2009

Sold, Title: Et Lyssværd, 2009


Sold, Title: Ghost Robot, 2009

Special assigment, Title: For Sjov(mor), 2009

Special assigment, Title: Kid For Life, 2009

Private collection, Title: Et Hånd Tryk, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Akropolis, 2009

Sold, Title: Kid On The Way, 2009

Sold, Title: Ghost Robot, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Akrobaterne, 2009

Sold, Title: En Hatifnat, 2009

Sold, Title: På Stribe Med Sig Selv, 2009

Sold, Title: Fakler, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Bug, 2009


Sold, Title: Lille Prins, 2009

Sold, Title: Miss Virvar, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Texstile, 2009

Sold, Title: No Title, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Højt Humør, 2009

Sold, Title: A Set-up, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Feathers, 2009

Sold, Title: Fru. Suk Og Hr. Buk, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Mechanical Feathers, 2009

Private collection, Title: The Punk Queen, 2009

Sold, Title: Tre Heftige Damer, 2009

Special assigment, Title: We Meet Again, 2009

Sold, Title: Fuglekvidder, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Yellow Cap, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Magarita And Friend, 2009

Sold, Title: En Lille Del, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Robotistick,2009

Special assigment, Title: Finest Woman In Town, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Taxi Roadway, 2009

Private collection, Title: Pipa Lipas High Score, 2009

Special assigment, Title: Direct, 2009

Private collection, Title: Indisk Prinsesse, 2009

Private collection, Title: Husly, 2009

Private collection, Title: Karusseltur, 2009

Private collection, Title: The Leftovers, 2009

Sold, Title: Peace Tribe, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Reincarnation, 2009

Reincarnation, 2009

Special assigment, 2009

Private collection, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Special assigment,2006

Special assigment, 2006

Sold, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006,

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Sold, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Special assigment, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Sold, 2006

Private collection, 2006

Sold, 2006